Addressing Bullying in Schools Through Drama Therapy


Bullying is an age-old and international problem. Surveys have identified bullying in schools across the globe. Dan Olewus first systematically researched bullying in Sweden in the 1970’s and created the first official definition and the first major intervention program (Olewus, 1993). UNESCO’s definition of bullying in schools is based on Olewus’s:

A learner is bullied when s/he is exposed repeatedly over time to aggressive behaviour that intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort through physical contact, verbal attacks, fighting or psychological manipulation. Bullying involves an imbalance of power and can include teasing, taunting, use of hurtful nicknames, physical violence or social exclusion. A bully can operate alone or within a group of peers. Bullying may be direct, such as one child demanding money or possessions from another, or indirect, such as a group of students spreading rumours about another. Cyber bullying is harassment through e-mail, cell phones, text messages and defamatory websites.  (UNESCO)

The key component in bullying is imbalance of power, which can be addressed best through education and action interventions using drama therapy.

Negotiation author and expert William Ury, in his book Getting to Peace (retitled The Third Side in a revised edition) explains that there are three sides to any conflict, not two sides. In the case of bullying the three sides are the bully, the victim, and the community. The community has a vested interest resolving the conflict, because it disrupts cooperation and peace. In recent books on bullying, such as Barbara Coloroso’s 2003 book The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander, those three sides are reiterated. Most bystanders function as passive community witnesses to the bullying, because they do not know positive action steps to take to stop it. Without appropriate intervention skills they fear they will be pulled into the conflict and possibly become victims, too.

In case you believe that bullying is a normal rite of passage that children and teens need to experience as part of growing up, think again. Research reveals that children who have been bullied have more symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders than children who have not. These disorders continue into adulthood. Victims of bullies are 4.3 times more likely to have an anxiety disorder as an adult, and bullies who were also victims are 14.5 times more likely to develop panic disorder, 4.8 times more likely to be diagnosed with depression, and 18.5 times more likely to have suicidal thoughts as adults (Saint Louis, 2013).

Different parts of the brain have sensitive growth periods; exposure to trauma in those periods can interfere with brain development. Martin Teicher and his associates scanned the brains of young adults who had been bullied as children and had no history of other traumatic abuse. Scans showed abnormalities in the corpus callosum that links the left brain with the right resembling abnormalities found in children who had experienced multiple forms of childhood trauma. His model of how peer verbal abuse psychologically effects children at different ages indicates peer verbal abuse in elementary school can lead to somatization (psychosomatic symptoms), in middle school to anxiety, drug use, depression, and dissociation, and in high school to anger and hostility (Anthes, 2010; Teicher et al, 2010).

In a study conducted by psychologist Tracy Vaillancourt, boys who were bullied showed higher levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, than boys who were not. These higher levels weaken the immune system and can damage the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in creating memories. Vaillancourt speculates that that this may be one reason why bullied students have more difficulty learning and earn lower grades once bullying starts (Anthes, 2010). Neuroscientist Daniel A. Peterson found that in rats who were victims of bullying by other rats, after just one bullying experience, neuron cells in a bullied rat’s hippocampus (the memory making area) started to die (Anthes, 2010).

Bullies are affected as much as their victims. As adults they are 4.1 times more likely to develop anti-social personality disorder, which often leads them into a life of crime (Saint Louis, 2013). These scientific studies explain why dealing with bullying behavior effectively is important to the health, wellbeing, and education of all students.

Unfortunately, most bullying curricula, including the one developed by Olewus, which is considered to be the “gold standard,” provide education about bullying and guidelines for student behavior, but after implementation in schools, the bullying remains. The problem is these programs are lecture-based and follow a standardized, one-size-fits-all protocol with fixed objectives that do not take the ambiguous nature of the world into consideration (Boggs, et al., 2007). Bullying is a complex problem and cannot be solved without a flexible, context specific approach. Solutions work best when they come from the students; then students feel empowered to take action (McGrath, 2013).

Drama Therapy Interventions

Enter drama therapy! Drama therapy matches active interventions to specific behaviors and situational problems. Participants are engaged mentally, physically, and emotionally in the learning, whether they are acting or watching. Because it is embodied and action-oriented, drama therapy offers a powerful and safe experiential alternative to passive education. By its very nature drama therapy develops students’ perspective taking and empathy, self-expression, flexible problem-solving, internal locus of control, and abilities to share and collaborate with others. Students’ participation is valued and needed in drama therapy, and the opportunity to practice newly learned knowledge and skills in fictional situations that function realistically help students integrate and remember how to respond appropriately.

In addition to educational pluses, research indicates that artistic activities enhance moods, emotions, and psychological states, contribute toward the reduction of stress and depression, and alleviate physiological states associated with stress (Nobel & Stuckey, 2010). Through drama therapy students can deal with the intense emotional issues of bullying without feeling the need to tune out or risk becoming re-traumatized. Finally, when an activity is viewed as more personally meaningful, students become motivated participants who are more apt to apply the information they have learned to real-life situations (Dawes & Larson, 2010).

A variety of action methods used by drama therapists can prevent and end bullying in a non-violent, effective manner. Exactly which interventions will work best depends on the age of the students and the specifics of the problem, as well as the schedule, timeframe, and resources available in the school.

Forum Theatre

Forum Theatre, created in the 60’s by Brazilian theatre director Augusto Boal, is an interactive theatre form that allows participants to explore an imbalance of power through the lens of social justice (Gourd & Gourd, 2011; Sajnani, 2009). Since imbalance of power is the key element in bullying, Forum Theatre addresses the root problem. In a Forum Theatre performance actors improvise a previously created scenario that depicts a situation of oppression. Then the scene is replayed, and the Joker, or emcee, asks the audience to stop the action at a pivotal moment and suggest changes an actor could take to improve the situation. The scene is replayed to see if the suggestion works. Audience members (called spect-actors, because they are actively participating as well as watching) are also encouraged to enter the scene and show the actors their idea. As the scene is re-worked, many suggestions can be tried out for the same moment to see which work and which do not. The Joker facilitates dialogue about ways to equalize the relationships among the characters (Boggs et al., 2007; Gourd & Gourd, 2011; Sajnani, 2009). A key to creating deep and pertinent educational discussions is to embed learning objectives into the scenario and to have the Joker provide background knowledge, frame thought provoking questions, and instill the spec-actors with the confidence to challenge the status quo and dig deeper (Boggs et al., 2007; Gourd & Gourd, 2011). This engages students in ethical discussions and decision making, allowing them to improve not only their moral and ethical reasoning, but also their perspective taking and empathy skills.

A professional Forum Theatre company could be brought into a school to perform, but an even more effective use of Forum Theatre is to have a drama therapist work with small groups of students to create fictional scenarios based on current school issues. These students would present the scenes to small classes with the drama therapist as Joker, optimizing chances to involve as many students in the exploration as possible.

 Middle school (ages 10 to 14) is not too early to engage students in Forum Theatre. Young adolescents can be self-centered and rebellious, because they are testing boundaries and experimenting with their identity as they move from childhood to adulthood, but they also need structure and yearn for mentorship from the trusted adults in their lives (Reagan, 2015). Early adolescents are usually in Stage Three (the Morality of Interpersonal Cooperation) of Kohlberg’s moral development continuum where the focus on peer relationships. However, they can also relate strongly to issues of social justice and bringing these concerns into education at this time increases their moral maturity and sense of responsibility.

James DeBastiani, a Registered Drama Therapist and drama teacher in Delaware, USA, turned detention at his middle school into a laboratory for exploring new ways to solve conflict through Forum Theatre and other Theatre of the Oppressed techniques. Detention is a form of punishment for students who get into trouble that requires the offenders to stay after school. Jim turned detention from a time of punishment into an opportunity for learning. Students were able to express themselves and investigate new ways to solve problems through drama. Some began thinking about the points of view of the other students and teachers for the first time. Jim served as the Joker who pushed them to take emotional risks that helped them understand themselves and others better (personal communication, 2004).

Playback Theater

Another theatre form used by drama therapists that can transform bullying behavior is Playback Theatre. Created in the 1970’s by Jonathan Fox and his wife Jo Salas, Playback Theatre elicits personal feelings and stories from audience members who watch them acted out (played back) by a trained team of improvisational actors. A Playback Theatre performance is facilitated by an emcee called the Conductor, who welcomes the audience and elicits stories (Salas, 2005, 2011). While the Conductor in Playback is analogous to the Joker in Forum Theatre, his/her function is a little different; the Conductor is less provocateur, more supportive dramaturg, helping the Teller to articulate his/her story.

Jo Salas, a Registered Music Therapist, has been involved for over a decade in using Playback Theatre to address bullying in schools from elementary through high school through a program she calls “No More Bullying!” (NMB) Playback. A NMB Playback performance starts with the professional actors briefly sharing their bullying experiences, followed by involving the audience in creating a group definition of bullying. Then students are invited to invent a fictional scenario in which an imaginary character, played by a troupe member, is bullied. They are asked for suggestions about how the witnesses in the scene could help. This fictional scene is a technique borrowed from Theatre Forum for the purposes of modeling constructive bullying solutions. (Scenes of retribution are not acted out.) Finally, students are invited to tell about an experience as a victim, witness, or bully and watch it come to life. Because the adults are modeling respect and because the ritual form of Playback creates an environment of acceptance and safety, students are able to sit in the spotlight, speak up and shift the power. If disrespect rears its ugly head during a performance, Jo intervenes immediately to stop it (Salas, 2011).

Jo says when the audience sees a scene enacted: They understand it viscerally – it’s not just about the words, it’s about the physical expression. When you see a feeling embodied by an actor, you have a kinesthetic response: you feel it in your own body. You understand it in a non-cognitive way…if you are the “teller,” seeing your feeling expressed in the bodies, faces, and voices of the actors allows you to know beyond doubt that you’ve been heard and understood (Salas, 2011, 107).

When possible, six weeks previous to a school performance, Jo trains a group of diverse students weekly in Playback techniques and teaches them about bullying. As they practice Playback, telling their stories of bullying experiences to each other during the training, their skills at empathy grow just as their acting skills do. Then during the performances teams of four students and three adult actors work together to play back bullying stories to audiences of 25 to 50 (Salas, 2011). When their peers are onstage, students sit up and take notice, or as one student actor told Jo, “If a child hears it from a child, they listen.” (Salas, 2011, 107).  These children then become anti-bullying leaders in their schools (Salas, 2011).

Playback Theatre has also been used as a tool for conflict resolution with middle and high school students by Timothy Reagan, Registered Drama Therapist and drama teacher, at Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC. He is a graduate of the Playback Theatre School in New York and an accredited Playback trainer. Tim began integrating Playback Theatre into the Sidwell curriculum as a way for students to reflect on their individual stories in a class taken by all 7th grade students. He leads an 8th grade Playback troupe called Vertical Voices and a high school troupe called Friendly Rewinders (Reagan, 2015). While Forum Theatre helps students connect outward to the world and social justice principles through their life experiences, Tim feels that Playback Theatre helps adolescents “learn to turn inward; to access, share, and listen to personal stories. Playback provides a significant experience for adolescents to make personal connections between creative expression and the healing power of the arts” (Reagan, 2015, 26). Empathic listening skills are developed through storytelling and story listening (Reagan, 2015). Students begin to treat each other with more respect and consideration.

Eclectic Mixes of Drama Therapy Interventions

Other drama therapists, like Becca Greene van Horne, incorporate many drama therapy techniques, including Playback, to inoculate students against bullying and teach empathy and constructive behavior. Her adolescent ActSmart Improv Theatre in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, was created in response to the suicide of Phoebe Prince, a bullied girl from a neighboring town. They rehearse weekly and then perform at local schools to pass along their message through improv, rehearsed skits, and Playback (Diehl, 2012). Becca says, “I’m committed to teaching everyone emotional and social intelligence through play and drama” (Diehl, 2012, 2). She feels that drama therapy is how to implement bullying education “in a constructive and appropriate way [because] we can act out what we wished would have happened, and we can act out different alternatives for choices that were made” (Diehl, 2012, 2-3). Becca also offers anti-bullying workshops, social/emotional intelligence training, and conflict resolution training with student, parent, and teacher/administrator groups to get participants dramatically involved in learning pro-social behavior.

In Kansas City, Missouri, USA, Registered Drama Therapy Monica Phinney directs a troupe of teen actors in The Outrage, an ever-evolving script (to keep it up to date) about dating violence and sexual assault, another form of bullying that adolescents face. The show tours to middle and high schools. After performances the drama therapist and the actors hold a question and answer session with the students, and follow-up drama therapy workshops are held at the schools in the following weeks. In addition, Monica runs an 8-10 week Healthy Relationships curriculum in schools, delivering information through role play, theatre games, and other drama therapy methods.

Excellent plays for young audiences have been written on bullying. These can be can be performed to explore the subject in a safe public forum. During rehearsals, student actors should be educated about bullying facts and myths, and time should be set aside for discussion and sharing among cast members, so they can process not just the material in the play, but also the experiences they have had in their own lives. Actors need to be de-roled[i] after each rehearsal and performance, so that they do not take the roles of bully, victim, or bystander home with them. Talkbacks on the subject should be held after every performance so audience members can ask questions, get information, and de-role themselves. Talkbacks can include a panel of experts to speak to the issue, including educators, therapists, and witnesses or victims who feel strong enough to share their stories. If there are printed bullying resources in the school or community, those should be included in the program or available to be picked up in the lobby.


In the age of Facebook and social media, bullying has moved from the classroom, the playground, and school hallways, to cyberspace where some of the cruelest bullying happens. Some cyber-bullying happens anonymously, but even when posts publically identify bullies, they often acts as if they is anonymous and all-powerful. Once something is up on the internet, it can be taken down from public view, but before that happens it could be copied, pasted, forwarded, uploaded, and downloaded by unknown amount of known and unknown others. Even if a post is “deleted,” it still remains forever somewhere on a server in cyberspace. The act of posting a bullying message or insult is a faceless, non-embodied way to strike out at and humiliate someone without fear of physical, embodied reprisal in the moment (James, 2014; Wong-Lo et al, 2012.)

In her book Disconnected: Youth, New Media, and the Ethics Gap, Carrie James introduces the concept of conscientious connectivity. It is not enough to think about your perspective (self-focused thinking) and your family and friends’ perspectives (moral thinking). To use the internet ethically one must be able to engage in complex perspective taking: becoming aware of everyone who could be affected by an online action – self, known others, and unknown others – committing to care about the consequences of your online actions and developing the motivation to deeply explore the ethical blind spots and disconnects that are hidden from our view by technology and the newness of the media. Finally, one must be willing to take action beyond that of not being an online bully by appropriately confronting cyber-bullies and engaging in thoughtful online conversations about issues instead of thoughtless rants. In short, ethical online thinking is community thinking, representing the Third Side.

Any of the drama therapy methods shared previously would work to help educate students of the consequences of cyber-bullying. One important suggestion, however, is to have an adult actor (not the drama therapist who must facilitate the session) enrolled as the recipient of cyber-bully in scenes, as these taunts can be so hurtful and outrageous that having a student on the receiving end could be traumatizing or re-traumatizing whether they have been cyber-bullied in the past or not.

One drama therapist in Lawrence, Kansas, USA, who is also a filmmaker, was able to offer her community a very creative twist on bully and cyber-bully education. As the Outreach Coordinator for the GaDuGi SafeCenter (now the Sexual Trauma and Abuse Center), she focused on violence prevention and sexual assault awareness in local elementary, middle and high schools, as well as two universities, University of Kansas and Haskell Indian Nations University. In partnership with the Lawrence Arts Center she developed theatre and film-based programs to explore social issues and produce projects by, for and about youth and the issues important to them.

She worked closely with local law enforcement and the District Attorney’s office on The InSight Project for youth on pre-file diversion for sex crimes. Juvenile attorneys referred adolescents in danger of receiving felony charges for sexting[ii] or harassment to her for drama therapy sessions to educate, enlighten and empower them to fully understand the impact of their actions. Then they created a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that expressed what they had learned. One of the PSAs they created on sexting can be accessed at:

She also worked with middle school students in tandem with the national tour of It Gets Better, a suicide prevention movement. After conducting 8 weekly sessions of drama activities, including role play, scenes, personal monologues, introspective writing, team building, and messaging, the students wrote, composed, and directed a PSA on rejecting bullying labels, which can be seen at:

Why a Drama Therapist and not a Drama Teacher?

If drama therapy works so well to educate students and change behavior, why not hire a drama teacher or an applied theatre professional experienced in improvisation, Playback Theatre, or Theatre of the Oppressed to implement an anti-bullying program? Because drama therapists are specifically trained to do this kind of self-exploration and socio-emotional training safely.

Holmwood and Stavrou (2012) wisely point out that

…teacher training and dramatherapy training are different in approach and

intention. Dramatherapy students are expected to develop an understanding of the self through personal therapy….Drama teachers are not. Drama therapists are equipped to allow the client to work with their internal emotional and psychological world. [Note from author: very pertinent when working on an issue like bullying] The teacher will use a curriculum to teach students to teach students to develop personal, social, and most importantly educational skills (35).

Educated in drama therapy techniques, psychology, and ethics, drama therapists understand how to keep dramatic explorations honest and effective on one hand and emotionally safe for the participants on the other. Holmwood and Stavrou (2012) add, “a good teacher will possess some therapeutic skills just as a good therapist has to be able to teach. However…being therapeutic does not make you a therapist” (34-35).

One of the big ways drama therapists create safety is through the use of emotional distance in dramatizations. For instance, to protect a student’s personal problems from becoming the subject of a scene, a bullying situation would be fictionalized, and the drama therapist would make sure that a real bully and victim were never cast against each other to work out their differences in real life in front of an audience. A scene that was too close to a real bullying incident could end up re-traumatizing the victim and reinforcing the power imbalance. The distance that fiction provides to a dramatic exploration allows students to open their minds to different solutions and even engage in meta-cognition, analysis, and ethical decision-making skills that can transfer to real-life dilemmas (Boggs, et al, 2007).

Distance can also be created through the use of a distancing technique within a method.  For instance, while a student might volunteer to tell her story in Playback Theatre, others act out the story, and many aspects of it are replayed through metaphor, so that it reflects her reality, but does not reproduce it. The teller safely watches her story from a distance and when those others show they understand her story and her feelings, the teller feels heard and validated.

As mentioned earlier, drama therapists are trained to de-role clients after a dramatic enactment and have a variety of methods that accomplish this. When intense emotions are evoked – even if they are from fictional situations – actors need to return to a neutral emotional state and re-connect with themselves. Not doing so could leave them in an emotional state that would preclude discussing the scene and learning from it. In addition, leaving a session still emotionally in the role of a fictional character could create confusion, acting out, and what might be called an “emotional hangover” in a later situation (Bailey & Dickinson, 2016).


Bullying can only be stopped if community witnesses stop being passive and begin to actively intervene. This might be done through a verbal recognition of the bullying act: I see what you are doing! It might be through reporting the bully to a person in authority who will step in and stop it. It might be through distracting the bully, supporting the victim, or through directly intervening in the situation. All of these choices and more can be learned and practiced through drama therapy, turning students into dynamic citizens who speak up for themselves and others.


Anthes, E. (2010, November 28). Inside the bullied brain: The alarming neuroscience of taunting. The Boston Globe.

Bailey, S., & Dickinson, P. (2016). The Importance of Safely De-Roling. Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy.

Boggs, J.G., Mickel, A.E., & Holtom, B.C. (2007). Experiential learning through interactive drama: An alternative to student role plays. Journal of Management Education 31(6), 832-858. DOI: 10.1177/1052562906294952.

Catterall, J.S. (2007). Enhancing peer conflict resolution skills through drama: An experimental study. Research in Drama Education, 12(2), 163-178.

Coloroso, B. (2003). The bully, the bullied, and the bystander: From preschool to high school – How parents and teachers can help break the cycle of violence. New York: Harper Collins.

Crain, W.C. (1985). Kohlberg’s stages of moral development. Theories of Development:

Concepts and Applications, 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 118-136.

Dawes, N.P. & Larson, R. (2010). How youth get engaged: Grounded-theory research on motivational development in youth programs. Developmental Psychology 47(1), 259-269.

Deihl, E.M. (2012, September 26). ACTSMART IMPROV: Theatre in Amherst teaches young actors how to tackle bullying. Daily Hampshire Gazette. Downloaded from

Gourd, K.S., & Gourd, T.Y. (2011). Enacting democracy: Using Forum Theatre to confront bullying. Equity & Excellent in Education, 44(3) 403-419. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2011.589275.

Holmwood, C. & Stavrou, C. (2012). Dramatherapy and drama teaching in school – A new perspective: Towards a working relationship. In L. Leigh, I. Gersh, A. Dix, & Haythorne (Eds.). Dramatherapy with Children, Young People and Schools: Enabling Creativity, Sociability, Communication and Learning. New York: Routledge.

James, C. (2014). Disconnected: Youth, New Media, and the Ethics Gap. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

McGrath, D. (2013, March). Bullying stops when solutions come from students. NYSUT United, 20-21. Retrieved from

Nobel, J. & Stuckey, H.L. (2010). The connection between art, healing, and public health: A review of current literature. American Journal of Public Health 100(2), 254-263.

Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Pomeroy, E., Parrish, D.E., Bost, J., Cowiagi G., Cook, P., & Stepura, K. (2011). Education students about interpersonal violence: Comparing two methods. Journal of Social Work Education, 47(3), 525-544. DOI: 10.5175/JSWE.2011.200900077.

Reagan, T. (2015). Keeping the peace: Playback theatre with adolescents. (Doctoral Dissertation). Lesley University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2015. 3702084.

Saint Louis, C. (2013, February 20). Effects of bullying last into adulthood, study finds. NY Retrieved from of-bullying-last-into-adulthood.

Sajnani, N. (2009). Theatre of the Oppressed: Drama therapy as cultural dialogue. In R. Emunah & D.R. Johnson (Eds.). Current Approaches in Drama Therapy, 2nd Ed., Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 461-482.

Salas, Jo. (2005, September). Using theatre to address bullying. Educational Leadership 63(1), 78-82.

Salas, Jo. (2011). Stories in the Moment: Playback Theatre for building community and justice. In R.G. Varea, C.E. Cohen, & P.O. Walker (Eds.). Acting Together: Performance and the Creative Transformation of Conflict, Vol. 2. Oakland: New Village Press, 93-124.

Teicher, M.H., Samson, J.A., Sheu, Y., Polcari, A., & McGreenery, C.E. (2010). Hurtful words: Association of exposure to peer verbal abuse with elevated psychiatric symptom scores and corpus callosum abnormalities. American Journal of Psychiatry 167(12), 1464-1471.

Ury, W. (1999). Getting to peace: Transforming conflict at home, at work, and in the world. New York: Penguin/Viking.

Ury, W. (2000). The third side: Why we fight and how we can stop it, Rvd, exp. Ed. NewYork: Penguin Books.

UNESCO: Education: Health Education: Homophobic Bullying. Retrieved from

Wong-Lo, M., Bullock, L.M., & Gable, R.A. (2012). Cyber bullying: Practices to face digital aggression. Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties, 16(3) 317-325. DOI: 10.1080/13632752.2011.595098.

[i] De-roling is the process of taking off a role that an actor has been enrolled in. Actors and drama therapy participants should de-role after each role-play or scene, as well as at the end of a rehearsal so that they can leave the character they embodied behind and return to their own persona and mind-set. De-roling is one of the ethical techniques that drama therapists incorporate into their work that make it different from the work of other theatre educators (although drama therapists would love if all theatre educators and professionals began de-roling as a regular practice themselves!)

[ii] Sexting is when a person takes a nude photo of him or herself and sends it to another via the internet. It is illegal in Kansas for nude or pornographic photos of young people under 18 to be sent or received.

Drama: A Powerful Tool for Social Skill Development

Disability Solutions Vol. 2 (1), May/June 1997, pp 1, 3-5.

available online at

Cindy, an attractive young woman with developmental disabilities, is gardening in her front yard, enjoying the afternoon sun, when a dashing young man in a black leather jacket drives up on a motorcycle and stops beside her.  He gives her the once-over and says, “Hey, I’m a biker dude!  I just came to town about an hour or two ago, and I’m looking for a cute girl!”

“Really?” she says, “Do you want to go to the mall?

“Yes!  Do you?”

Without thinking twice, Cindy starts to climb onto his bike.  “Sure!”

“OK, I’m going to freeze the action in this scene, just for a second,” I say, and turn to the group of drama students with disabilities.  “I want to ask the class a question about this situation.  This ‘Biker Dude’ guy has just driven into town.  He’s a complete stranger.  Cindy’s never set eyes on him before and she just said she would go to the mall with him.  Is that safe?”

“NO!!!” shout the students watching.

“Why is that not a safe choice?”

“Because she doesn’t know him that well yet.”

“She doesn’t know him at all!”

“She doesn’t even know his name!”

“It’s not safe to go somewhere with a total stranger,” I agree.  “So maybe we should start this scene again and let Cindy talk to this guy and find out something about him.”

This time Cindy asks the “Biker Dude” lots of questions and discovers that he’s come to town to look for a job as a mechanic.  She doesn’t know of any job openings, but wishes him luck, says goodbye, and goes inside.

That, of course, is not the only way this situation could safely unfold.  In subsequent role-plays, the students try out possible situations involving this dangerous, but definitely fascinating stranger.  For the duration of the class, students are involved, paying attention, and having a wonderful time learning about how to handle a situation which is every parent’s worst nightmare.

Understanding social situations and how to safely and appropriately interact with other people is important for everyone, but young people who have disabilities often have a more difficult time learning safe and appropriate behaviors.  Safety in the community is only one issue.  Job transition literature emphasizes that more jobs are lost through inappropriate social behavior than from lack of job skills.  Individuals who don’t know how to develop friendships and reach out to others become isolated, depressed, passive, or angry.  Successful inclusion in the community is difficult if social skills are lacking; non-disabled community members aren’t welcoming or understanding to an individual who is withdrawn, rude, provocative, or hostile.

The quandary lies not in knowing what skills young people need, but in how best to teach them.  I believe drama is the best vehicle for social skills development because drama involves students in concrete, hands-on practice of behavior.  Skills are physically and verbally acted out instead of just being talked about, so appropriate behavior becomes very real to the participants.  The abstract becomes bodily concrete.

In drama, as in real life, consequences result from actions taken and can’t be ignored.  They must, in turn, be dealt with through more action.  The reasons for this connection between action and consequence can be discussed, re-played, and, finally, understood by participants and observers alike.

If scenes are re-played with students making different choices and experiencing different consequences, flexibility develops as well as an understanding of cause and effect.  Add discussion of scenes to dramatic role-playing sessions and students begin to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

As a drama therapist, I use drama to teach social skills to children, adolescents, and adults who have disabilities.  I know from personal experience that dramatic role-playing generates energy, involvement, laughter, connection, excitement, and understanding.  Role playing real-life situations and watching others do so allows students to rehearse a skill until it becomes part of their skill repertory.

Can anyone learn through drama?  I believe so.  Can anyone use drama as a teaching tool?  I believe so, too.  Developmental psychologists say that all children learn about the world and how to behave in it through deferred imitation, symbolic play, and dramatic play.  These informal methods of learning usually begin to develop when children are as young as three and continue into the early elementary school years.  In a sense, we are all natural-born actors!

Unfortunately, our educational system has yet to harness this powerful, innate method.  The majority of teachers, in both regular and special education, rely on lecture, workbooks, and rote learning.  Abstract learning is valued over concrete learning.  Eventually, children discontinue their use of drama as an informal learning tool because it is labeled by the adults in their lives as “play” or “make-believe,” grown-up codes words for “unimportant,” “childish,” and “useless.”

Many teachers shy away from using drama as a teaching tool because it seems as if it will take too much energy or effort.  Or they think it is a method they couldn’t begin to master without lengthy training.  While training in drama does enhance one’s skills as a group leader, using drama is similar to riding a bike: once you’ve learned how to do it, you never forget – and you’ve known how to do it since you were three!

Drama is not only a useful tool for teachers, it’s useful for parents as well.  Skill rehearsal can become an enjoyable family game instead of a chore.  Rather than lecturing your child about a skill you want her to perform around the house, act it out together.  For example, if you want to teach your child appropriate phone manners, bring two phones into the room and pretend to call her from one of them.  Let her answer the other and engage her in conversation.  Then let her pretend to call you.  With practice, she will learn correct phone etiquette.

The most successful approach to dramatic role-playing is one which is open, playful, and non-judgmental.  This creates an atmosphere where actors can take chances and try out different behaviors.  It can be OK to make a mistake because you can replay the situation and find a way to make it better.

In life, there are many different choices you might make in a given situation.  Some choices are better than others.  Some choices are safer than others.  Some choices are more effective than others.  Through drama many choices, both positive and negative, can be explored – without real-life consequences harming the participants.

The decision-making process can be explored step by step during the role play by freezing the action and questioning the actors or having them share what “thoughts are going on in your head right now.”  Or the process can be explored afterwards through group discussion.

The other advantage of dramatic role-play is that through role reversal, a child can take on the role of a parent, a student can take on the role of teacher, or a client can take on the role of therapist and see the situation from a different perspective.  Dramatically wearing the shoes of the “responsible adults” in their lives helps students begin to understand the need for rules.  Role reversal can provide the group leader with a way to evaluate if the message of the lesson has gotten through.  An actor, taking on the role of authority, will often wax eloquent as he explains to the actor playing the role of the student the reasons why things are done in a certain way – even though he may never have followed those rules or demonstrated an understanding of them in real life.

Actual authority figures (parents, teachers, job coaches, etc.) can learn a lot about being a child, student, or client from role reversals, too.  You might just re-evaluate some of your communication methods after being on the receiving end of a lecture and seeing how you are perceived.

“But,” you ask, “is my child really capable of coming up with sound behavior choices to use in role playing?  Will this method really work with him or her?”  For the answer to than, let’s look at the choices students made for relating to the “Biker Dude.”  On their own, without any prompting from me, the students in my drama class created the following four additional scenarios:

– One girl refused to talk to the “Biker Dude” and went inside her house to get her father to make him go away.

– Another traded phone numbers with him so she could talk with him further before deciding if she wanted to go out with him.

– Another made him give her his phone number, but wouldn’t give our any personal information herself.  Then she told him it was time for him to leave; she wasn’t ready to make a decision about whether or not to call him.

– Yet another invited him to come to her house for dinner so he could meet her family and get to know her in a safe environment.

All were viable choices and all were choices that fell into the range of safe and appropriate ways to handle the situation.

Behavior Change Through Drama Therapy with Students with Special Needs

A number of years ago I was hired as a drama consultant to conduct ten sessions in a special education classroom at Diamond Elementary School in Gaithersburg, MD, north of Washington, DC. The children were between the ages of 9 and 12. A number had severe learning disabilities and several had various forms of mental retardation. Besides basic reading and math skills, students focused on learning life skills like how to shop, how to make change, how to travel on the bus and subway systems, and other essentials to survival in a large urban area.

When I asked the teacher if there were any educational or social issues I could help with, she immediately said she’d been having trouble with students getting along in the classroom. Certain students would tease others and tears would result. Pencils and other small items got “borrowed” from desks without permission and angry accusations of stealing ensued, along with pushing, shoving, insults, and the inevitable hurt feelings.

I decided to start with identifying emotions and move on to practicing problem-solving social skills through role-playing. We started out simply. We had fun drawing faces and making faces and talking about feelings. Then we started identifying emotions in others by looking at pictures of faces to figure out what these people were feeling. We moved on to show how we felt with our whole bodies and by the way we moved. Then we began to tackle situations of conflict in the classroom.

I wasn’t sure how quickly these children would catch on to that fact that we were just pretending these situations. They’d never had drama before, either in their classroom or as an extracurricular activity. I didn’t want confusion between fantasy and reality to create more bad feelings than already existed. The “worst possible scenario player” in my head created visions of children crying and yelling, “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you,” at each other while the teacher and the principal kicked me out the front door of the school with the admonition never to set foot in Gaithersburg again!

Needless to say, my worst fears were not played out. In fact, each time I set up a dramatic situation in which one student was supposed to create a conflict with another and demonstrate their worst behavior, they insisted on doing the “right thing” and resolving their conflicts peacefully. I started to feel frustrated because I couldn’t get a fight going! Even with direct permission from me to enact an example of “the bad way” or “the wrong way,” they insisted on listening to each other with sensitivity and offering generous win-win solutions.

At the end of class, I shrugged my shoulders and half-seriously said to the teacher, “I’m sorry. I tried. I couldn’t get them to misbehave.” She nodded sagely and said, “Actually, I learned a lot today. Probably more than they did. I learned how much they actually do understand about appropriate behavior. I’m going to have much higher expectations of them now.”

Behavior change. I wish it were simple. I wish, when a student didn’t know how to behave, I could tell him what to do and he’d just do it! Or when a client is not behaving the way I want her to, I could tell her how to change…and she would!

But we all know it’s not that easy. It takes motivation to learn; it takes rehearsal over a period of time; and most of all, it takes patience on the part of the learner and the teacher until the old behavior has been extinguished and the new behavior has come to be second nature.

This is without addressing the issue of learning styles; the fact that each person has a different profile of preferences, both sensory and neurological, for taking in information. Some people are haptic and have to actually kinesthetically experience a new skill, others need to see someone else do it;  others grasp the information best through hearing and reflecting back, and most of us need to do a combination of all three.

Mel Levine, M.D., a pediatrician and expert in the learning and behavior of children, has identified specific neurodevelopmental systems or constructs that each different kind of learning task requires in his book A Mind at a Time (2002). The components within these constructs don’t work alone; they are interconnected and dependent on each other, but the construct framework provide a handy metaphor through which to look at the skills that certain learning tasks require. A block or weakness in a particular system — Levine calls them “breakdown points” – requires pinpointing the exact breakdown through carefully observing the child’s behavior while involved in the learning task, then ascertaining whether this particular individual can heal/improve that breakdown or if it would be more efficient to substitute some other strength from a different process to bypass the “glitch.” To educators and parents who ask, “How can you expect me to invest so much time and expertise in each individual I’m responsible to teach?” and Dr. Levine responds, “Because it’s your job!”

Dr. Levine is one of my ultimate heroes, along with Howard Gardner, Ph.D., who posits that intelligence is multiple and can be accessed, measured, and expressed through the arts, and Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., who speaks eloquently about the necessity of Emotional Intelligence for our social survival. What my three heroes haven’t yet discovered, however, is that the best tool available for implementing their wonderful ideas is drama therapy.

Drama therapy is quite simply the intentional use of drama or (to use the Greek translation of the word) doing to achieve new understanding of oneself and others. Depending on the requirements of the situation and the needs of the students/clients involved, drama therapy can focus purely on discovery through process drama (role-play, creative drama, improvisation, etc.) or can lead to rehearsal and the creation of a formal product (performance). Either way, our most basic human developmental learning strategies are harnessed: imitation and dramatic play which begin universally at about age 3 in most children as well as the use of metaphor for framing and understanding concepts which begins a little later. As drama – watched or participated in – is an embodied, three dimensional, sensory experience, all possible learning styles are encompassed with students listening, speaking, seeing, moving, thinking, feeling, inventing, and replaying by turns or simultaneously. In addition, all the intelligences are accessed at some point in the process. As can be seen in the chart below, all of Aristotle’s elements of drama are reflected in Gardner’s multiple intelligences:



Words spoken or signed



Sequence, logical reasoning



Costumes, Sets,
Props, Stage pictures



Blocking, Gesture, Dance, Posture, Pose

The connection between drama and multiple intelligences was first identified by the Southeast Institute for Education in Theatre at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in their Data Based Theatre Education model (DBTE). What it ultimately means for parents and educators is that when dramatic forms are used to express an idea, the multiple intelligences are naturally all stimulated simultaneously.

What’s most exciting is that while most of us are not pediatricians or neurologists or educational psychologists, we all are expert dramatists. You may not have ever acted in a play, but you have acted out imaginary stories in your backyard or basement while you were growing up, you’ve rehearsed and performed job interviews and presentations, you’ve even occasionally “created dramatic scenes” for good or ill with the other people in your life.

Drama is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn how to do it, you might not “do it” for years, but you always remember how – that inner balance and relationship between your body and mind never leaves you. It comes back naturally, the minute you put it back into practice.

Of course, you can always develop those dramatic skills further – hone them so that they can be used seamlessly in the classroom, at meetings, demonstrations and workshops, and on the job as methods of communication, training, and clarity. The best part is that whether it’s through a formal class, a workshop, or a community play, dramatic skills are not only useful, they’re fun to develop. And the next best part is that the students who you’ll be teaching are also expert dramatists, with perhaps more recent hands-on practice that you!

I discovered in my years of teaching children, adolescents, and adults with and without disabilities that if you, as the leader, are willing to initiate dramatic play, your students will join in. Maybe not with perfect behavior, but gladly! Enthusiastically! Even students with no previous dramatic training in the special education room at Diamond Elementary knew how to role play!


Bailey, S. (1993). Wings to fly: Bringing theatre arts to students with special needs, Bethesda: Woodbine House.

Bailey, S. & Agogliati, L. (2002) Dreams to sign, Bethesda: Imagination Stage.

Gardner, H. (1993).  Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice, NY: Bantam Books.

Gardner, H. (1999).  Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century, NY: Basic Books.

Goleman, D. (1995).  Emotional intelligence: Why it matters more than IQ, NY: Bantam Books.

Levine, S. (2002). A Mind At A Time, NY: Simon & Schuster.

1 Drama comes from the Greek dran, “to do,” hypothetically derived from dra-, “to work” or “deed” and has developed into our modern concept of drama as action through which something of value is accomplished. Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, 2nd ed., 1970.

Self-Advocacy Through Drama for People with Developmental Disabilities

Suppose you were 35 years old and you still lived at home with your parents because they didn’t think you were capable of living by yourself? Or that you had to live in a group home with people you didn’t choose as your housemates and staff you didn’t hire to run the household? Suppose everyone talked down to you as if you were a little child? Or that you worked a 40 hours a week, and only got paid $45 for your entire week of work? What if you weren’t allowed to get married, even though you were in love with someone who wanted to marry you?

Sound impossible in this day and age? It’s not. There are many people in our country, close to 12.4 million, who experience one or a combination of these limiting life situations because they have a physical, mental or emotional condition causing difficulty in learning, remembering, or concentration (U.S. Census, 2000). Some of these citizens have physical or mental illnesses which affect cognition, and many have developmental disabilities, such as mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy or another neurological condition. (The U.S. Census does not breakdown disability population figures by diagnosis, but by the following categories: sensory disability involving sight or hearing; condition limiting basic physical activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, etc.; physical, mental, or emotional condition causing difficulty in learning, remembering, or concentrating; physical, mental, or emotional condition causing difficulty in activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing, etc; condition that makes it difficult to go outside the home; and condition that affects the ability to work at a job.)

People who have developmental disabilities are not encouraged to live independent lives, even when many of them can. There are many reasons for this: overprotective families; an educational and social service industry that steers clients to be dependent and passive, rather than training them for independence; a social welfare system with built-in work disincentives for people with disabilities; a society that stigmatizes people who have disabilities as “less than equal” to those who don’t have disabilities (Mackelprang & Salsgiver, 1999; Olkin, 1999).

One of the hardest struggles is that last one — against stigmas held cross-culturally about developmental disabilities. Individuals who are “different,” be they of a different race, religion, physical look, or ability level, end up being stigmatized or seen as having a lower, discredited status, being “not quite human,” by the dominant cultural group in any society (Goffman, 1963; Hardaway, 1991). Developmental disabilities are repeatedly rated as one of the most stigmatized on the continuum of possible disabling and/or medical conditions across a wide range of world cultures (Olkin, 1999;Westbrook, Legge, & Pennay, 1993).

In order to address the prevalence of stigma towards disabilities and the necessity of future mental health and education professionals to become aware of and deal with their own stigmatizing attitudes, I have had students in my Drama Therapy with Special Populations class at Kansas State University rate Westbook, Legge, & Pennay’s list of 20 disabilities from least stigmatized to most stigmatized for the past twenty-four semesters (Fall 1999 to Spring 2011). Each semester mental retardation (the closest category on the list to “developmental disabilities”) is in the top three most stigmatized conditions as either number one, two, or three. The only conditions that are ever rated as more stigmatized are AIDS or mental illness. When they compare their class rating with the cultures surveyed in Westbook, Legge & Pennay’s study, my students discover that those cultures also rated those three conditions in their “top” three.

If attitude sampling is not proof enough of the stigma assigned to people with developmental disabilities in our culture, a simple statistic reported in the Kansas City Star says it all. Prenatal genetic tests can determine if a fetus has Down syndrome, a type of developmental disability caused by a chromosomal abnormality. People who have Down syndrome have three copies of Chromosome 21, rather than 2, giving them 47 total chromosomes instead of 46. Down syndrome is not a fatal or painful condition, although there are sometimes medical complications, such as heart conditions. Individuals who have Down syndrome can range in IQ from low to normal. When the prenatal test became common in 1989, 57 percent of fetuses discovered to have Down syndrome were aborted, and since then the percentage has risen (Bell & Stoneman, 2000; Stearns, 2004). Currently, it is estimated that ninety percent of the fetuses determined by prenatal test to have Down syndrome are terminated through abortion (Adler, 2005).

Not only are stigmatized people not accorded the same status as others, seen as inferior, evil, perhaps being punished for their sins or the sins of their fathers (Hardaway, 1991; Pelka, 1994), or as “defective” by medical model standards, many grow up to believe that those who have stigmatized them must be right and internalize a sense of shame and inferiority. Like many oppressed populations, they often become passive and helpless, because they don’t think they deserve better treatment than what they are currently receiving (Goffman, 1963; Mackelprang & Salsgiver, 1999).

Here are a few stories I collected in 1998 from members of STAND Together, a self-advocacy group for adults with developmental disabilities in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area, which illustrate common, every day examples of stigmatizing behavior they have received, in these cases from family members, care-givers, and helping professionals in their lives:

LG: When I was between the ages of 17 and 21, I went to live with my older brother and I was treated as a child and it was totally wrong to do that to me at that age. At that point, it wasn’t right, but I didn’t do anything about it. I didn’t like it, but just took it. I finally just moved away. It feels great to be treated like an adult instead of a child. It’s wrong to treat an adult with a disability like a child. An adult should be treated like an adult. A teenager should be treated like a teenager. A child should be treated like a child.

BH: Sometimes the counselor comes into my apartment to talk to me when I’m having dinner [and wants to meet about life skills and work issues]. I say, “Excuse me, I’m eating.” That’s ignoring my privacy.

MP: I want to tell you about staff who disrespected me at the place I worked, so you won’t ever treat anyone who you work with this way. [The workplace was a sheltered workshop/training center for people with disabilities.] At one point I was in Beginner’s Clerical. I was not feeling good one day and I called in like you would normally do when you’re not feeling good. They asked me to call back later. I did and I said that I still wasn’t feeling good. But my supervisor, she didn’t take no for an answer. She wanted me to come in to work. [MP went back to sleep after hanging up the phone.] I wake up and I’ve got the program specialist on one side of me and the supervisor on the other side of me wanting me to come to work! So to make a long story short on that one – that’s why I’m still afraid to get a job out in the community. I’m afraid someone’s going to come and drag me out of bed and take me back to work!

These three individuals, quoted above, have not remained passive and accepting of the stigmatized way they are treated. As members of STAND Together, one of the oldest self advocacy groups in the state of Maryland, they have learned how to speak up for themselves, protest ill-treatment, and work on changing attitudes and removing barriers to their full inclusion in their community. We’ll talk about their experiences with drama as a tool in their struggle later in the article.

Historically, nondisabled members of society have assumed that people who have disabilities are not able to care for or support themselves. Poorhouses were created in colonial America as a place to warehouse anyone from widows, orphans, or the elderly to people with mental illness, disability, or serious illness (Trattner, 1989). Until recent years people with disabilities, particularly those with developmental disabilities, were committed to institutions for the “mentally deficient.” Doctors would often recommend to families at the birth of a child with disabilities to not even take the child home, but to “send it away” (J. Glenner, personal communication, 1990; Makelprang & Salsgiver, 1999; Morton, 1983). For those who weren’t institutionalized, educational opportunities and jobs were not easy to get.

The terminology chosen to describe this group of citizens (as well as people with physical disabilities) suggests that they are incompetent. Hardaway says it is important to know that the word “handicapped” originated from the phrase “cap in hand,” indicating someone who is a beggar. Begging was one of the only ways that people not segregated in institutions who had disabilities were able to make a living when they couldn’t get a job (Hardaway, 1991). Employers assumed that people who had disabilities couldn’t do the work and often wouldn’t consider them as potential employees.

What does the word “disable” actually mean? According to Webster, disable means “1. to deprive of legal right or qualification: disqualify. 2. to make incapable or ineffective: to incapacitate, especially to deprive of physical, moral or intellectual strength. 3. a. to deprive of what gives value: impair in worth. b. to declare incompetent or invalid.” Impaired, another word sometimes used in place of disabled, means “to make worse, diminish in quality, value, excellence or strength: to do harm to.” (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged, 1993). None of these words sound very positive used as either a noun to categorize someone or an adjective to describe him. No one wants to be considered an ineffective, incapable, diminished, or invalid human being, especially when the disability condition one has usually only limits one small aspect of one’s life; however, that is what our language suggests happens.

The disability awareness movement which began in the 1960’s helped pass legislation, such as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Equal Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These laws have helped create more opportunities in education, employment, housing, and access to the community at large for people with disabilities. In the late ‘60s and early 70’s disability advocates and social service workers brought suit in the courts to close state hospitals and release the residents to out-patient services in the community. This, plus spiraling medical costs, caused many institutions in which people had been warehoused to be closed, sending them back in the community to live and work (Anderson, Lakin, Manga, & Prouty, 1998; Mackelprang & Salsgiver, 1999).

However, just because opportunities for independence exist, doesn’t mean the people those opportunities were created for know how to access them or how to succeed once they get them. Statistics have shown that people with disabilities make responsible, hard working, reliable employees. However, statistics also show that a number of employees with disabilities lose their jobs, not because they can not do the tasks required, but because they do not have the social skills to fit into the workplace appropriately (Chadsey-Rusch, Linneman, & Rylance, 1997; J. Gingerich, personal communication, August 17, 1999; Park & Gaylord-Ross, 1989).

Others do not have the self-confidence to go after an educational or employment opportunity in the first place. There are a variety of reasons for this: they might not know how to be assertive; they might not have the support and encouragement they need from significant others; they might see barriers (legal or illegal) in the way that they do not know how to get around. In short, they have problems advocating for themselves.

Here is where drama comes into the picture: drama is the perfect vehicle for teaching assertiveness, problem-solving, and self-advocacy skills and for demonstrating and articulating one’s abilities, opinions, and desires to others. Through acting out a situation in role play, participants can learn how to identify problems, try out different solutions, and practice the solutions they think will work best. They can develop the self-esteem and confidence to believe they can be effective and succeed. Even more important, they can develop the social skills to get their questions answered, their needs met, and their day-to-day on-the-job or in-the-community conflicts worked through in appropriate ways. (Bailey, 1993, 1995; Sternberg & Garcia, 1994).

Why is drama so perfect? It is embodied, experiential, and active. Many people with developmental disabilities have difficulty learning abstract concepts through lecture and other abstract teaching techniques. Many learn better through hands-on, concrete, physical activities. In addition, drama incorporates narrative or story into instruction. Information is easier to remember when linked by narrative than when it is simply memorized by itself as individual facts (Cozolino, 2002; Herman, 2003).  Information is also easier to remember when it is paired with emotions, particularly positive emotions or emotions that are meaningfully appropriate to the material (Jensen, 1998). Drama contains all of those qualities: embodied, experiential, active, concrete, hands-on, narrative, connected to emotions, with the added attraction of being FUN, so that the learning process is interesting and easy to pay attention to! (Bailey, 1993, 1995, 2010).

Young people with developmental disabilities may not understand the subtleties of social situations. Nondisabled children usually pick up many of the social cues and cultural constructs around them through observing interactions of adults and older children, repeatedly seeing the consequences of certain actions (Hall, 1976). Some children with developmental disabilities miss out on these cues and constructs. They might not notice nonverbal behaviors for a variety reasons, including attention deficits, attention overloads, or aural or visual processing difficulties. They might have difficulty with sequencing and, therefore, do not understand the relationship between an action that causes a particular consequence. Having missed observing the behavior in the first place, chances are they probably will not understand theoretical presentations about it. They may not have been given the opportunities to practice appropriate ways to interact socially because no one thought they were capable of learning them and, therefore, never reinforced appropriate behavior.These children need active instruction and practice in order to see, understand, and learn (Bailey, 1993, 2010).

When is the best time to start using drama to train students in social skills and assertiveness? When children are young and in school! Cindy Bowen, a registered drama therapist and transition specialist at Ivymount School, an independent school for multiply handicapped students in Rockville, Maryland, began using drama as a behavior management tool while she was a support counselor in charge of handling discipline problems. She found that when students had negative behaviors in class or on the playground, it was usually because they did not have the words to express their feelings or alternative ways to solve the situation that was frustrating them. She would take them to her office and get them to cool down. Then she would talk to them about what happened and what other options they might have used for dealing with the situation. Once they were able to identify these, she would have them act out the appropriate behavior until they felt they understood it and could use it successfully. Last, she would take them back to the classroom and let them practice the new behavior with the teacher (out in the hallway, not in front of the rest of the class), so that the teacher knew what solutions had been developed and could help reinforce them when the student tried them out instead of reinforcing the old negative behavior.

Cindy realized that this was the beginning of self-advocacy for these children and that its development was crucial to their success, not just in school, but in life. Since her experience as support counselor had proven to her the efficacy of drama as the way to “get through” to students on issues of behavior, she incorporated drama into all her later transition planning work.

In the U.S. students in special education are allowed to stay in school until they are 21. Their educational needs are guided by an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is devised jointly by their teachers, parents, and, ideally, themselves. The IEP is re-evaluated at least once a year and new goals incorporated into it. As they get older, an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) is included to help them make that major transition from school to work. Cindy saw the IEP/ITP meeting as a place where self-advocacy was needed – allowing both the parents and the student to speak up for their wishes for the future. Did they want to have a specific kind of job? Did they want to live at home, in a group home, or independently in their own apartment? What were the steps that needed to be taken in order to finally achieve those goals? She helped students develop and practice a script so that they could communicate their wishes and desires to their parents and teachers.

Sometimes parents needed skills to work with a child who had unrealistic dreams. For instance, many teenaged boys express a desire to be a professional basketball player.Needless to say, this is not a realistic goal for 99 percent of them, disabled or not! The key to working with this desire, however, is not to discourage the student from having dreams, but to get them to identify what interests they have, what skills they have, what skills they can develop, and from there to think realistically about what kind of job they could get.Cindy found she needed to teach the parents – and did so most effectively through role-play – how to interact with their children about this topic. They practiced how to ask questions to elicit useful information from their child instead of shutting him down by saying, “No, you can’t do that” or “You’ll never be able to do that.”

Job skills from interviewing to personal hygiene to interacting with co-workers could be practiced in Transition Class through drama. Many students not only had difficulty finding words to express themselves, but also in understanding non-verbal cues that others were giving them. To address this, Cindy would set up dramatic situations in which they would practice identifying these through role play. For instance, she might act out different kinds of bosses who might be interviewing students for a job; she might act formal and polite, condescending, or rushed and impatient. A student would interview with her for the job and then have to assess with the rest of the class what she wanted the worker to do in the job and what kind of nonverbal information she was expressing during the interview which might indicate what kind of a boss she might be to work for.

One transition group, called “Express Yourself,” showcased the older students in dramatic presentations as they demonstrated behavior options to the younger students in order to teach social skills through action. “Express Yourself” students would brainstorm different difficult aspects of relationship communication: friend with friend, child with parent, student with teacher, employer with boss. From these, improvisational scenes were created – with both negative and positive behavior choices – and acted out for other classrooms.Cindy would facilitate and lead a discussion. The students watching would respond to what they thought was going on in the scene. Were the actors using a positive way of handling the situation or a negative one? What were some other ways it could be done? Through drama the younger students were able to pick up on the correct behaviors and generalize them to other situations. They would often use some of the words and behaviors they saw enacted in the scenes in their real life situations. They would ask Cindy, “Did I handle this like so-and-so handled it in the play?”

Presenting “Express Yourself” skits served as a wonderful self-esteem builder for the student-actors. They were suddenly “teacher for the day” and were able to share what they had learned with others. Another outgrowth was the “Express Yourself” students became positive role models and mentors for the younger students. Many younger children had never been exposed to the idea of being able to grow up and get a job. Suddenly they realized that “Hey, this older kid has a transition plan. He’s getting a job. I can do that, too!” (C. Bowen, personal communication, January 22, 2005).

Much of my work with young adults with developmental disabilities also took place in suburban Maryland. In my role as Arts Access Director at the Bethesda Academy of Performing Arts (now Imagination Stage), I created programming for children, teens, and adults with a wide variety of disabilities. One acting class, called “Act For Yourself,” was geared along the same lines as the Ivymount “Express Yourself” class, providing practice for young adults with developmental disabilities in assertiveness and social skills. We acted out situations they found difficult in their lives and explored who they were, what they wanted, and how to get their needs met in active, appropriate ways. We also explored how to stay safe in situations in which others might harm them, how to handle anger, and how to behave appropriately in dating situations. “Act For Yourself” was so popular and useful that I was invited to teach it for Montgomery College’s Challenge Program, a division developed to give students with disabilities who had graduated from high school pre-college level experiences on a real college campus.

My favorite experience using drama for social action was with STAND Together in 1998. STAND Together was sponsored by The ARC of Montgomery County (ARC was formerly an acronym for Association for Retarded Citizens, but has formally changed its name to be simply The ARC). They had heard about my drama program from enthusiastic participants and saw a creative, dynamic, and active way to raise staff awareness on privacy issues and basic human rights of residents in their group homes. Twice a month an orientation training (Introduction to Developmental Disabilities) was held for new staff members to address basic information about The ARC’s group homes, developmental disabilities, emergency procedures, health and hygiene and human rights of residents. Trainings had always been done via lecture and handouts. The information was communicated, but most trainees did not really understand the priority The ARC wanted given to respecting the residents as adults with individual needs and preferences. Often in the interests of time and efficiency or out of ignorance, staff would ignore residents’ choices, break confidentiality, or invade their privacy. This problem was exacerbated by the issue of frequent turnover of staff which is a common problem in all areas of the direct support profession serving people with disabilities (Larson, S.A., Hewitt, A.S. & Lakin, K.C., 2004). STAND Together wanted to create a role-play presentation to illustrate ways to handle privacy issues, so that respect and appropriate boundaries could be demonstrated clearly to staff.

My first step in approaching this project was two-pronged. I wanted to let the STAND members train me in what they felt were the most important issues to address – they, after all, were the authorities – and we all needed to know what the law said about current legal standards of individual rights, the procedures for compliance, grievance rights, and what to do in case of violation. We began by looking at the Health-General Article 7-1001 and 7-1002 from the Annotated Code of Maryland COMAR 10.22.07. Then we brainstormed their list of personal and privacy rights.

Identification and articulation are the first steps in self-assertion. Creating an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in which participants can speak honestly and openly about their experience and their pain was paramount. As the group shouted out ideas, I wrote down all suggestions in magic marker on large pieces of paper taped to the wall. I knew all ideas would not end up in the final presentation, but all needed to be acknowledged as part of the pot of material we would pull from. Even though some members of the group could not read, my act of writing down their ideas validated them and communicated the clear message that I respected them and took them seriously. (This list of rights is included at the end of the article.)

The next step was to collect personal stories related to the violation of these rights and to generate ideas of how these negative situations could have been dealt with more kindly, respectfully, and effectively. These stories were then shaped into fictional dramatic situations which we improvised. None of the scenes that ended up in our repertoire for the training were historical re-enactments of anyone’s real-life experiences. On one level this preserved confidentiality, but on another it freed the actors to try out alternative solutions to the conflict instead of sidetracking them into a re-creation of the way events had actually transpired. We could also exaggerate a little to make a point without being untruthful. The purpose of the scenes was, after all, to help create systemic change in the attitude and behavior of employees of an organization, not for the personal therapy of STAND members.

For each scene, we came up with the “wrong” way and a “better” way to handle the situation. The scenes were kept improvisational at all times, so the parts could be taken on by different volunteers. Here’s what one of the situations might have looked like if scripted:

JULIENNE, a staff member at a group home for adults with developmental disabilities, enters the living room and sees a stack of mail on the dining room table. She walks over, leafs through the pile, picks up an envelope, opens it, and takes out a letter and form. Then she gets a pen from the desk, comes back to the table and begins filling out the form, leaving the opened envelope on the table.

EVA, one of the residents, enters the living room and looks through the stack of mail. She sees the opened envelope, which has her name and address on it. She turns to JULIENNE with the envelope in her hand and says, “Who opened my letter?”

JULIENNE: (nonchalantly) Oh, I did.

EVA: Why? My name is on the envelope! See, right here it says, “Eva Jones.”

JULIENNE: I could tell it was that form from the SSI office and I knew you’d need help filling it out, so I opened it for you.

EVA: But it belongs to me. You shouldn’t have opened it.

JULIENNE: It doesn’t matter.

EVA: Yes, it does! It was for me!

JULIENNE: I knew what was in it.

EVA: But what if you didn’t? What if it was something else?

JULIENNE: Well, it wasn’t something else. It was the re-application form.

EVA: It’s my private letter!

JULIENNE: I’m only trying to help!

EVA: But you shouldn’t have opened it! Even my mother knows not to open my mail!

JULIENNE: (throwing the letter at EVA): FINE! Do it yourself!

This scene illustrates behavior a group home staff person might consider “helpful,” but which residents would consider condescending and an invasion of privacy. It was, of course, followed by a replay in which Julienne let Eva open her own letter, asked if it was the form they had been waiting for from SSI, and allowed Eva to ask for help.

A step above and beyond using drama to advocate for yourself and for others is teaching others how to advocate for themselves. In essence, passing on the power. After all, as the old proverb says, “If you give a man a fish, he eats for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime.” Deborah J. Zuver, a registered drama therapist in North Carolina, is doing just that through self-advocacy projects she directs through the University of North Carolina Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning. The U.S. Administration for Children and Families has designated this site as the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in North Carolina.

Deborah has developed a self advocacy training curriculum called Acting for Advocacy (A4A) which is part of Project STIR (Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility).This program explores topics such as Knowing Self, Communicating Effectively, Problem-Solving, Rights and Responsibilities, and Self Advocacy and Self Determination with young adults who have developmental disabilities in the state. Next Generation Acting for Advocacy, an outgrowth of A4A funded by the U.S. Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD), targets high school students who are making that important transition from school to work. Through workshops conducted in the schools, students learn those all-important social skills that will help them get a job and then keep it.

Shifting the Power is another program that has developed from A4A and has been funded through ADD. The whole point of Shifting the Power is passing on self-advocacy skills to others in nearby states. The North Carolina training team works with local participants who have developmental disabilities in weeklong training sessions to develop self-advocacy skills. By the end of the residency the North Carolina team has helped the newly trained advocates create a concrete, visual action plan to follow in order to incorporate more self-advocacy into their organization and begin addressing local, regional, and state disability issues.

The A4A advocacy training team consists of 4 trainers, half who have developmental disabilities themselves. They present their information primarily through dramatic enactments. First, they show planned improvised scenes (the lines are not memorized, but the actors have practiced the scenario and know where they are headed with the situation). Then Deborah, as the facilitator, will freeze the scene and engage the audience in a discussion about what happened. Sometimes the actors replay the scene based on audience suggestions. Sometimes audience members are invited up on stage to try out a new solution or re-enact one that they’ve just seen demonstrated.

Deborah says, “This kind of approach is different from trainings in which someone stands up and lectures about skills and then has the students passively listen or imitate.They can try out the skills themselves. Also, watching the enactments is like listening to a story. The information is put into context as well as action. The information is modeled by peers with developmental disabilities which makes it more real and more realistic.” (D.J. Zuver, personal communication, January 5, 2005).

In addition to using her trainers who have disabilities as actors, Deborah involves them in leading the group discussions. She has them present the power point slides which provide visual illustrations to concepts in the training. They also are able to share their personal successes, if they choose. One of the trainers is very proud of the fact that she is the first self-advocate she knows who has bought her own condo and drives her own car! This makes the trainers very viable role models and adds power and validity to the message they bring.

Deborah stresses the importance of including an emotional component in this kind of advocacy training. She says that it is often left out of many social skills and self advocacy trainings. “It’s almost like professionals think members of the DD population can’t handle their emotions, but many can. They just need practice and the opportunity and the support!” She goes on to say, “Brain research shows that emotion and memory are linked. And drama allows emotions to be expressed in a clear, contained manner.” When participants are allowed to explore their ideas and feelings in a safe environment, “They can have insights and come to new understandings.” In fact, Deborah says her favorite moments in workshops are when she “sees the ‘light bulbs’ going off over peoples’ heads when they are understanding a concept for the first time or realizing that they are capable of something that they didn’t think they could do before.” (D.J. Zuver, personal communication, January 5, 2005).

Each of these examples of drama cited above acknowledge Paolo Freire’s pedagogical philosophy of starting with the student, as well as the theatrical spirit, if not the specific methods of Augusto Boal who believed in incorporating the audience as “spectactors” into the exploration of ideas theatrically. As an oppressed minority, people with developmental disabilities lack confidence in themselves. They have been “domesticated” into being passive, dehumanized, and marginalized by the “non-disabled” members of the culture. Instead of lecturing at them and keeping them in the one-down position, through drama we can join them and dialogue with them, raising their awareness and self-esteem, providing them with the skills to break their chains of oppression, so they can see themselves as “normal,” equal, respected citizens in our community, and, as a result, take on those roles. This, then, becomes a real win-win situation. When they begin to have power over their lives, they can contribute to the diversity and strength of the community at large. The community can only be enriched when more of its members are active participants rather than passive “burdens.”

List of Privacy Rights Generated By STAND Together Members, 1998

I have a right to:

  • Choose my own activities.
  • Choose my own job.
  • Choose my own friends.
  • Make my own decisions about purchases.
  • Make my own decisions about life choices and personal style, such as hair cut, clothes and jewelry to wear.
  • Take appropriate medication that helps me function well, but doesn’t over-medicate me.
  • Ask for help and accommodations if I need them.
  • Be accepted for who I am/for myself.
  • Have my parents “let go” and allow me to grow up and become independent.
  • Speak for myself and not have other people speak for me.
  • Be talked to at my level so I can understand and to be able to ask questions without being treated impatiently or as if I’m “stupid.”
  • Be talked to as an adult, and not condescended to or talked to like I’m a baby.
  • Have people talk directly to me and not to a family member or staff person who is with me as if I wasn’t there!
  • Have my confidential information stay confidential.
  • Be disciplined by staff in private, not in front of everyone else.
  • Have privacy on the phone.
  • Not have my mail opened by staff or anyone else.
  • Have my personal space and personal living quarters respected.
  • No one should enter my room without knocking and asking permission.
  • No one should come into my room while I’m not there and rearrange things or change things without asking.
  • Have a private sex life.


Adler, E. (2005, February 13). Families embrace their special needs. Kansas City Star, pp. A1, A 8-9.

Anderson, L.L., Lakin, K.C., Mangan, T.W., & Prouty, R.W. (1998). State institutions: Thirty years of depopulation and closure. Mental Retardation, 36 (6), 431-443.

Bailey, S. (1993). Wings to fly: Bringing theatre arts to students with special needs. Rockville: Woodbine House.

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Bailey, S. (1998). STAND together self-advocacy training project. Manual written for Montgomery County (Maryland) ARC and unpublished interviews with participants.

Bailey, S. (2004). Behaviour change through drama therapy. Social Spectrum, 3, 14-17.

Bailey, S. (1999-2011). [Results from disability surveys completed by students enrolled in Drama Therapy with Special Populations at Kansas State University in twelve semesters from fall 1999 to spring 2011]. Unpublished raw data.

Bailey, S. (2010). Barrier-free theatre: Including everyone in theatre arts — in schools, recreation, and arts programs — regardless of (dis)ability. Eumenclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor.

Bell, M. & Stoneman, Z. (2000). Reactions to prenatal testing: Reflection on religiosity and attitudes toward abortion and people with disabilities. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 105 (1), 1-13.

Boal, A. (1985). Theatre of the oppressed. NY: Theatre Communications Group.

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Chadsey-Rusch, J., Linneman, D., & Rylance B.J. (1997). Beliefs about social integration from the perspectives of persons with mental retardation, job coaches, and employers. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 102 (1), 1-12.

Cozolino L. (2002). The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain. New York: W.W. Norton.

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Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond culture. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press.

Hardaway, B. (1991). Imposed inequality and miscommunication between physically impaired and physically nonimpaired interactants in American society. The Howard Journal of Communications, 3 (1 & 2), 139-148.

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Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Larson, S.A., Hewitt, A.S., & Lakin, K.C. (2004). Multiperspective analysis of workforce challenges and their effects on consumer and family quality of life. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 109 (6), 481-500.

Mackelprang, R. & Salsgiver R. (1999). Disability: A diversity model approach in human service practice. Pacific Grove, CA: Brookes-Cole Publishing.

Morton, K. A. (1983). Parents, practices, and attitudes: The distance traveled. In R. L. Jones (Ed.), Reflections on Growing Up Disabled. (pp.79-89). Reston, VA: The Council for Exceptional Children.

Olkin, R. (1999). What psychotherapists should know about disability. NY: Guilford Press.

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Pelka, F. (1994). “Sick? It’s your own damn fault!” Exposing health chauvinism. On The Issues, Spring, 34-37.

Stearns, M. (2004, October 22). Prenatal tests stir host of ethical issues. Kansas City Star. A1, A6.

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Social & Recreational Settings

Campers and Drama Therapy students play with a parachute at Super Summer Camp, Kansas State University.
Campers and Drama Therapy students play with a parachute at Super Summer Camp, Kansas State University.

One of my first drama therapy jobs was to create an arts access program for children with special needs at a non-profit community arts center in suburban Maryland. I integrated students with disabilities into regular drama classes and productions by helping teachers identify ways to make adaptations and accommodations that leveled the playing field. I created programming in special education classrooms for teaching social skills, self-expression, or an aspect of the curriculum. Theatre companies comprised of adolescent actors with and without disabilities created original plays dramatizing their own ideas. Some of this work could be categorized as educational drama, some as therapeutic drama, some as drama therapy, some mixed them all together.

The performing troupes were originally designed to be venues for disabled actors to explore issues of difference and to provide awareness education to non-disabled audiences. However, my actors had different ideas. They told me right off that they were sick of thinking about their disabilities because they had to deal with them “24-7.” They wanted to explore issues that were universal to adolescents like rebellion, responsibility, growing up, falling in love, being rejected, friendship and family. We created many plays together through improvisation. Each play became a metaphor for exploring their struggles, allowing them to fictionally explore and express their concerns, hopes, and dreams. Each rehearsal process became a laboratory for the development of better social skills, flexibility, responsibility, self-discipline, communication abilities, and the development of higher self-esteem.

Making Connections, a play about a video dating service, provided opportunities to explore appropriate dating behavior, first impressions, and unfair assumptions. During our improvisations, we explored all the WRONG ways to behave on a date and all the right ways. We practiced what information is appropriate to reveal to someone you just met and what is inappropriate. We role-played anxious, overprotective parents waiting for their daughter to come home from a date and laid-back, gentle ones. In the play that resulted, one couple arranges to go on a date based on viewing each other’s video interviews, but the girl doesn’t reveal that she uses a wheelchair until they meet outside the restaurant. She wants to be chosen for her personality, not rejected on the basis of her disability. Her date has to get past his expectations of what he thought she would be like. Another girl chooses a guy who, unbeknownst to her, turns out to be a foot shorter than she is. At first, she is horrified, but later learns that he’s a wonderful person, no matter what his height.

Making Connections was later turned into an educational video for the purpose of modeling social and dating behavior to young people with disabilities and their parents. It won Honorable Mention in several video/film competitions, was shown on WETA, the PBS station in Washington, DC, and for many years was marketed by Choices, Inc., a non-profit that sponsors educational videos for people with developmental disabilities. In the course of this adventure, the actors got to “film on location” and learned about acting “in the movies.” They had a chance to share their ideas and what they learned during our rehearsal process with a much larger audience. Self-esteem sky-rocketed when people who saw them on TV came up to tell them how wonderful their “movie” was and to ask for their autographs!

Parents report that the dramatic experiences their young people had in our performing companies helped them develop a greater level of independence, responsibility, and self-discipline than their peers who didn’t participate in drama. Most of my former actors are now middle-aged adults holding down full-time jobs and living independently in apartments. One job coach at a school-to-work transition program confided he could always tell which of his clients had been actors of mine: they had more self-confidence, better communication skills, and the self-discipline necessary for succeeding in the world of work.

© Copyright Sally D. Bailey, Registered Drama Therapist. All Rights Reserved.

Residential Settings

Years ago, recovering substance abusers stayed in treatment for one to three years in order to learn how to live without drugs and alcohol; today three months is considered long-term treatment and 28-day programs are the norm. A drama therapist is lucky to get one session per week with clients.

I worked thirteen years in a long-term residential treatment program with recovering substance users in the Washington, DC area. A drama group of 12-14 residents ran between three and six months. In the beginning weeks, we focused on drama games and improvisation to build group trust, social skills, drama skills (although recovering substance users are already excellent actors – skills honed during their addiction), communication, and understanding, and the idea that we can learn life lessons through metaphor and action.

Later we worked on deeper psychological issues through Psychodrama and Gestalt therapy. One of my favorite success stories involves Henry, an older recovering alcoholic, who revealed during our check-in one day that he was on the verge of being kicked out of the program for “lack of motivation.” He had always participated fully and enthusiastically in drama, so I was surprised. He reported that he never talked in other groups, and he wouldn’t work on issues in individual therapy sessions with his primary therapist. When I asked him why, he said, “Well, I hardly know what my feelings are! How can I talk about them?”

“Maybe you can’t talk about them,” I offered, “because you’ve ignored them for so many years that they feel like strangers to you. How would you like to meet them?”

“Sure!” he said, “That would be great!”

He picked four group members to represent four of his feelings and sculpted them in chairs. “Fear” hunched over in his chair looking at the floor, his arms across his chest, protecting himself. “Pain” looked away, afraid to make eye contact. “Sadness” bent over into her lap and covered her face with her hands, as if crying. “Rejection” sat defiantly with his back to Henry.

Henry introduced himself to each Emotion one by one and asked them questions so he could get to know them. As he did, each Emotion came alive and spoke about how much they missed being part of his life. They expressed how deeply they cared for him and that they wanted to help him complete treatment.

It was a turning point. Henry began to talk in his other groups and in his individual sessions. He started to acknowledge his feelings, to identify and understand how they related to his behavior. He also began to take more risks in revealing secrets and shames he was carrying inside. And because he was now able to reveal them, he could let the negative ones go.

The exercise worked for him on a metaphoric level, a practical level, and a relational level. On a metaphoric level, he was able to reconnect with emotions he had “cut off” during his addiction; on a practical level, he was able to practice talking “with feeling” to another person; on a relational level, he made a deep connection with the group members he chose to play parts in his psychodrama. This then made it easier for him to trust and open up to them and fellow residents in other groups and interactions. The group members learned about their own relationships to the emotions they portrayed, as they gave voice and body to them. They felt more connected to Henry, more connected to themselves, and more connected to each other.

Henry graduated from the program six months later. He proudly and successfully made it through treatment, and members of his family were there to see him “walk across the stage.”

Members of a Drama Therapy Group at Second Genesis perform wearing half masks.
Members of a Drama  Therapy Group at                Second Genesis perform wearing half masks.

Mask work was an extremely powerful technique for these clients.           Sometimes we made half-masks, painted them with designs                       representing their behaviors or issues, and performed a poem or               created a play about “wearing masks” and “being dishonest” in life.

Sometimes we would make full, life masks, paint the outside to                  represent one of the metaphorical, behavioral masks they wore in life, and paint the inside to reveal what they were really feeling. Then they would imagine that the outside mask and the inside mask could come to life and speak. They wrote down the monologue or poem that came from each, and we shared them in a dramatic reading for family and friends. Often it was the most honest, revealing work they did their entire time in treatment.

The Mask of the Bully

One woman, who created an outside mask of bullying and intimidation, told me that after she graduated she still kept her mask on display in her home, and whenever she felt threatened and became threatening to others, she meditated on her mask to remind herself that she doesn’t need to make negative behavior choices, and, in fact, can’t if she is to remain healthy and sober.

© Copyright Sally D. Bailey, Registered Drama Therapist. All Rights Reserved.

Psycho-Educational Settings

Medical and mental health professionals often find they need to provide basic self-care information to clients and their families. When this information is delivered through traditional lecture methods, a lot of information goes “in one ear and out the other,” but when presented through drama with human stories and emotions attached to the facts, the information makes sense.

Kaiser Permanente, a major HMO, for many years had professional theatre troupes in different regions of the country toured original plays on HIV/AIDS, violence prevention, and other issues to schools and community groups. Stop-Gap Theatre of Orange County, California, also tours plays that deal with important issues and involves students in workshops and discussions afterward.

SafeHome, a prevention and intervention non-profit in Kansas City, has a teen acting troupe, which each year tours a play on dating violence and sexually responsible behavior to high schools. These are but a few of the many examples of troupes making medical and mental health issues accessible in a live, dynamic format.

One of the most interesting projects in this vein came out of the Psychosocial and Behavioural Research Unit at Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre in Toronto, Canada. Doctors, researchers, writers, and actors came together to create a new kind of research report: a dramatized one (called an ethnodrama). They ran focus groups with women who had metastatic breast cancer, and separate focus groups made up of their family members and of their medical caregivers. The focus groups were recorded, transcribed, and used as a basis for improvisations about the experience of living with metastatic breast cancer. The resulting play Handle with Care? and a later project on prostate cancer No Big Deal? toured throughout Canada for several years. Both plays capture the confusion, frustration, and fears generated by these diseases and offer supportive suggestions of “do’s and don’ts” for patients, family, friends, and medical personnel alike.

Monica Phinney, RDT, a drama therapist in Kansas City, worked with filmmaker Robert Greene as he filmed the documentary Procession (2021). The film follows six men who experienced abuse childhood abuse perpetrated by powerful figures within the Catholic Church. Guided behind the scenes by Monica, the men write and enact scenes to explore and reframe their experiences. In one scene a man replayed a meeting with a church board, which had dismissed his claims as unrealistic lies, and was given his opportunity to say exactly what he wished he could have said to each of them. Procession is available on Netflix. The film is not an example of drama therapy, but more an example of how a drama therapist can help direct and contain an exploration of an experience safely and ethically.

© Copyright Sally D. Bailey, Registered Drama Therapist. All Rights Reserved.

Educational Settings

Juliet and her mother Lady Capulet (from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" demonstrate better choices through role play in Conflict Resolution Workshop.
Juliet and her mother Lady Capulet role play better choices in Conflict Resolution Workshop.

Drama therapists work within the school system as counselors, using drama therapy as their treatment method with children and adolescents. In Casper, Wyoming, Linda Nelson, RDT used drama therapy to help high school students formulate and reach academic and personal goals. In elementary schools in Michigan and Illinois, Mary Fahrner, RDT, a counselor, and Linda Sheehan, RDT, a social worker,  used drama therapy with elementary school children to teach social skills, explore diversity issues, and improve personal coping skills.

Drama therapists work as teachers in public schools as well. Mary Reid, RDT, created a peer conflict resolution program in a California middle school using drama to teach communication, empathy, and problem-solving skills. Over 100 peer mediations were successfully conducted each year of the program and detentions went down twenty percent. She also brought narrative drama therapy techniques into her counseling groups so students could address their personal life challenges by acting out turning points in their lives.

Conflict Resolution Workshop with Martin Luther King Quote written on the blackboard.
Conflict Resolution Workshop with MLK Quote on board.

Lanell Finneran, RDT/BCT worked in the Therapeutic Classroom in Lawrence, Kansas for close to 20 years, first as the classroom therapist and then as the lead teacher. Her students were adolescents with emotional disorders, such as school phobia, depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and Asperger’s syndrome who couldn’t function in a regular public school classroom. Many had learning disabilities and/or medical conditions. In her classroom, however, students were able to work through their problems while keeping up with their academics. Lanell incorporated the arts and socio-emotional education into her lesson plans. She encouraged self-expression by example: reading Harry Potter books out loud in costume with detailed character voices and props, then encouraging students to join her in acting out scenes from the books.

Even social issues were addressed through drama. One boy in the Therapeutic Classroom was being scapegoated and tormented by other students on bus trips to and from school. Lanell discussed the problems and potential solutions in individual therapy sessions with all the students, stressing each person’s responsibility in solving the situation. Then she set up a sociodrama in the classroom: the bus was created using chairs and each student sat in their assigned seat. Lanell took each student out of the bus on a “walk and talk” to verbalize what they were thinking and feeling, how they played into the problem, and at least one alternative they could take to make it better. Once everyone had contributed, they acted out a bus ride using the brainstormed solutions. After this intervention, problems on the bus stopped; everyone made an effort to be more flexible and understanding with each other for the rest of the school year.

© Copyright Sally D. Bailey, Registered Drama Therapist. All Rights Reserved.